Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Designing a Psychedelic Symphony

To commemorate "the church A Psychedelic Symphony" debuting on MAX TV in Australia tonight, I thought I'd share some behind-the-scenes information on how the design of the poster, program and tour shirts came into being.

The Poster Design
What does a psychedelic symphony look like? That was the question I'd ask myself while putting together the preliminary designs for the poster art, which in turn would inform the design for the program and later t-shirts.

After researching 50's & 60's pop culture album covers and downloading a new assortment of psychedelic fonts to play around with, I set to work on a few rough ideas. I'd previously worked on the FPP and Intimate Space tour campaigns for the church so I used these as a basis for content. Below are the initial design concepts.

Concept 1a
Concept 1b
Concept 1c
Concept 1d
Concept 1e 

I produced the following 5 poster concepts after receiving feedback.
Two important elements were included in this batch of proofs that carried through to the final design.
1. The blended space/stars/paisley background (as seen in concepts 2b & 2c).
2. The abstract line drawing of the Sydney Opera House (also in concepts 2b & 2c).

Concept 2a
Concept 2b
Concept 2c
Concept 2d
Concept 2e
Detail of background - space/stars/paisley
I produced the following 2 drafts to tighten up the design after receiving further feedback. These are intentionally very similar as I felt that I was close to an appropriate design solution. All that was required now was to focus on the font selection, colour scheme and placement of abstract the Opera House drawing.

Concept 3a for A Psychedelic Symphony.
This was also drafted with a blue background for comparison.
Concept 3b for A Psychedelic Symphony.
This was also drafted with a red background for comparison.
The abstract Opera House drawing was created on computer by tracing key construction lines from a photo of the Opera House in Adobe Illustrator and applying an artistic brush to the vector lines.
Abstract Opera House Illustration created with Adobe Illustrator

We're almost there... a few tweaks and the final decision that the poster design will be blue and not red (a modified design in red would later be used as the t-shirt design) and we have approval of the final poster design.
Final poster design for A Psychedelic Symphony
The above poster went into digital distribution but was never printed. The Sydney Opera House used a different poster to promote the show in-house. Their poster featured outside the Opera House in one of their large external display units.

Now that the poster design was locked in, work could commence on the 8 page A4 souvenir program. The program design would closely follow the poster style so it was only a matter of fitting in and finalising the content.

The program came together fairly easily and would be given away for free to show attendees. It was quite a sight walking into the Opera House and seeing the program I'd designed and arranged to have printed sitting on all the chairs in the concert hall.

Composite of the 8 page A4 program
The T-shirt design.

The design for the T-shirt was created from Tiare's (church band manager) concept inspired by one of the early poster designs I sent through that featured red as the background colour. I polished up the design and resolved the typography for the back of the shirt. It was also decided that a blue print on white shirt would be produced as not everyone likes black t-shirts, right? 

Black T-shirt front design

Black T-shirt back design
White T-shirt front design

White T-shirt front design

That wraps up this brief behind the scenes look at the process of creating the poster, program and t-shirt art for the church A Psychedelic Symphony. I hope you enjoyed it.

the church: A Psychedelic Symphony airing on MAX TV

My review of A Psychedelic Symphony

Best wishes,

Damian :)

COMPETITION: I will be giving away a hard copy of the Psychedelic Symphony Souvenir Program and Deadman's Hand EP to the one reader that leaves the best comment/response to this blog post*.

*This will be chosen at my discretion and will be someone that I don't know. Also, I'll be accepting comments from anyone, no matter where you live.


  1. Damian you do amazing work! Thanks for all you've done to help me and the band over the years. Now if only I can get over to Australia and thank you in person!

  2. what a perfect event it was, i don't know if anything really matters other than the music and energy created from that, packaging has a function i guess but when it comes to the church they seem to be way beyond the aesthetic of perhaps most bands. i've often thought the best live dvd would be for them to play in a clearing somewhere in the rain forest on a beautiful night with absolutely no audience, just the stars and a camera crew, of which i would happily be one :)
